Muzyka Centrum Art Society
Polish-Hungarian Friendship Society
Academy of Music, Cracow
Bunkier Sztuki
Euro Art Zone Festival
Audio Art 2005
13. Audio Art Festival
Cracow, Poland
Academy of Music
Tomasza 43
Turlej Gallery
ul. Jana 2
Bunkier Sztuki
Plac Szczepanski 3a
Miodowa 27
Audio Art is an experimental and postmodernist art of the close of XX century and the beginning of the XXI century. Audio Art is an integration of sound and visual art. Presentation of Audio Art appears in form of the concert, performance and installation. Audio Art creates new concept of sound source: as an object and musical instrument in certain space and time. Audio Art is a "one person art": composer, designer and performer unify the whole process of art creation. Audio Art uses low and high technology. Audio Art Festival presents individual artists from all over the world. Festival also presents other non-audio art events extending the whole image of the art based on sound.

Audio Art Festival events are webcasted live.
Audio Art jest eksperymentaln� i postmodernistyczn� sztuk� prze�omu wiek�w. Audio Art to integracja sztuk wizualnych z d�wi�kowymi. Audio Art wyst�puje w formie koncert�w, performance i instalacji. Audio Art tworzy now� koncepcj� �r�d�a d�wi�ku: obiektu i instrumentu muzycznego w okre�lonej przestrzeni i czasie. Audio Art jest sztuk� personaln�: kompozytor, konstruktor i wykonawca unifikuj� ca�y proces tworzenia i wykonania dzie�a. Audio Art u�ywa prostej i zaawansowanej technologii. Festiwal Audio Art w Krakowie prezentuje artyst�w z ca�ego �wiata oraz ich premierowe projekty. W ramach festiwalu odbywaj� si� tak�e prezentacje spoza nurtu Audio Art.

Wydarzenia festiwalu Audio Art s� transmitowane na �ywo przez internet.
November 4
Academy of Music
Richard Boulanger (Boston)
Philip Boulanger, Greg Thompson, S.Zubrzycki, T.Choloniewski, K.Tomanek
Radio Baton, cello, video, piano, percussion, Power Glove
>> program notes
>> video sample
Turlej Gallery
Gordon Monahan (Berlin)
When It Rains - interactive sound installation (till November 8)
>> program notes
>> photos
>> video sample
November 5
Academy of Music
Anna Zielinska (Poznan)
ElectromAnia - violin, electronics
>> program notes
>> video sample
Bunkier Sztuki
Jason Kahn (Z�rich)
Gl�ser - sound installation (till November 8); concert: electronics, alternative percussion
>> program notes
>> video sample
VJ Milosh (Sanok, Paris)
sensetropique fooc !!!
>> program notes
>> video sample
November 6
Synagogue Miodowa 27
Odin Heyligen (Hague, London)
White Lines - video; Bat-Radar - installation, performance
>> program notes
Matthijs Felix (Hague)
8 columns - installation, concert
>> program notes
Maurits Fennis & Leon Spek (Hague)
Trans_Modulo - interactive video
>> program notes
Bunkier Sztuki
Franz Hautzinger & Jacek Kochan (Wien, Warsaw)
Paansori Project - quartertone trumpet, drums, electronics
>> program notes
>> photos
>> video sample
Peter Br�tzmann, Michael Wertm�ller, Marino Pliakas (Z�rich)
reeds, drums, bass
>> program notes
>> video sample
MTK (New York, Hague, London, Krakow)
Keir Neuringer, Tom Tlalim, Matt Wright, Rafal Mazur
hi/lo-fi electronics, turntables, sax, bass, alternative percussion
>> program notes
>> video sample
November 7
Academy of Music
SCCAM (Wroclaw)
Bortnowski, Duchnowski, Hendrich, Krupowicz, Kupczak, Radoszko, Rupocinska, Skoczek, Zubel
voice, piano, harpsichord, live electronics, installation
>> program notes
>> video sample
Bunkier Sztuki
Anne Seagrave (Barcelona/Dublin)
Jamais Vu - video performance
>> program notes
>> photos
>> video sample
kotra (Kyev)
>> program notes
>> video sample
Andres Jankowski (Buenos Aires/Berlin)
>> program notes
>> photos
>> video sample
November 8
Synagogue Miodowa 27
Elvira Wersche & Horst Rickels (Nuenen)
World Mandala & Solitude
>> program notes
>> photos
>> video sample
November 12
Turlej Gallery
Edwin van der Heide (Rotterdam)
IFFR, Sound Modulated Light - interactive sound/light installation (till November 15)
>> program notes
>> photos
>> video sample
Bunkier Sztuki
Dimitris Lyacos, Fritz Unegg (Berlin, Klagenfurt, London)
Piers Burton Page. Nyctivoe
sculpture and sound installation (till November 15)
>> program notes
>> video sample
Julius Fujak & DJ Fero (Nitra)
intermedia concert
>> program notes
>> photos
>> video sample
Miso Ensemble (Lisbon)
The Air of the text .... by Miguel Azguime
concert, performance
>> program notes
>> photos
>> video sample
Earthieves (Brno)
>> program notes
>> photos
>> video sample
November 13
Bunkier Sztuki
Luigi Archetti & Bo Wiget (Z�rich)
Low Tide Digitals - concert
>> program notes
>> photos
>> video sample
Miha Ciglar (Maribor/Graz)
interactive performance
>> program notes
>> photos
>> video sample
Rovar - 17 (Budapest)
performance, installation, concert
>> program notes
>> photos
>> video sample
Franziska Baumann & Matthias Ziegler (Z�rich)
voice, flutes, electronics
>> program notes
>> photos
>> video sample
IZO-FR (Budapest)
Zsolt Sores, Zsolt Kovacs, Pal Toth (e'n)
Theremin, lo-fi electronics, guitar, sound scapes
>> program notes
>> photos
>> video sample
November 14
Academy of Music
imeb (Bourges)
Cybernephone Alto: F.Barriere, C.Clozier - sound diffusion, K.Pyzik - double-bass
multichannel concert
>> program notes
>> photos
>> video sample
Bunkier Sztuki
OXO-factory: Estera & Misiu (Krakow, Paris)
Estera Tajber, Jean-Baptiste Boiteux, Sebastien Perron
La Cage - video performance
>> program notes
>> photos
>> video sample
Aasmund Boye Kverneland (Stavanger)
>> program notes
>> photos
>> video sample
Rolf Langebartels (Berlin)
Table Concert
>> program notes
>> photos
>> video sample
November 15
Academy of Music
SME/PSeME: Homage to Jozef Patkowski
J.Pater-accordion, M.Pedzialek-oboe, J.Pilch-percussion, K.Pyzik-bass, P.Slusarczyk-sax
>> program notes
>> photos
>> video sample

festival is sponsored by

Ministry of Culture
Krak�w City Office
International Visegrad Fund, Bratislava
Gaudeamus Foundation, Amsterdam
AFAA, Paris
Pro Helvetia, Zurich
Arts & Humanities Research Council, Dublin
Goethe-Institute, Krakow
Austrian Consulate General, Krakow
Royal Dutch Embassy, Warsaw
Berklee College of Music, Boston
Miso Music, Lisbon
Radio ART

contact:, tel. +48 501 042052