MTK to elektroakustyczne, bitowo-eksperymentalne, jazzowe trio, które na swoich koncertach wykorzystuje
zarówno sprzęt (open-source), znalezione przedmioty, jak i gramofony, komputer, saksofon, perkusję i magnetofony.
Członkowie tria pochodzą z tak różnych zakątków świata jak Norwegia (Matt Wright), Tel Aviv (Tom Tlalim) i Nowy Jork
(Keir Neuringer). Spotkali się w Hadze na studiach kompozycji. Zaczątkiem ich działalności był występ na antenie
cotygodniowego programu Toma Tlalima w pirackiej rozgłośni Radio Tonka, na którym połączyli nagrywane wcześniej
przez siebie dźwięki z graniem na żywo oraz przetwarzaniem wszystkich elementów na zasadzie improwizacji.
Obecnie trio działa głównie w Hadze i Londynie, gdzie od czerwca 2004 roku miały miejsce koncerty w klubach,
imprezach domowych, festiwalach jazzowych, galeriach sztuki, w radio London Resonance FM oraz na Huddersfield
Contemporary Music Festival. Prowadzone przez MTK w marcu 2005 roku warsztaty w Trinity College w Londynie,
gdzie zaprezentowali pracę wewnątrz zespołową, były pierwszym tego rodzaju seminarium, które mają nadzieję
kontynuować w przyszłości: Brunel College, London, UK, Royal Northern College of Music, Manchester, UK,
Huddersfield Conservatory, Huddersfield, UK.
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MTK ( produces live music focused,
on one level, on beat- and sound production. On another level the focus is on modes of communication,
both among the members of the group and between it and the audience (and hopefully--by extension--with society).
At the core of MTK are Tom Tlalim (NL/IL), Matt Wright (UK) and Keir Neuringer (NL/USA),
three composer/performer/electronic musicians who approach the new and "obsolete" technology
they employ critically, expanding pre-conceived notions of what their instruments can--or should--do.
Though improvisation is the preferred mode of composition, MTK employs a constant theme of recycling--recycling
of material, of instruments, of trash-turned-sounding-object, of musical genres. In an MTK live set genres
and instrumentation become spontaneously-controlled musical parameters, resulting in an elasticity of sound
and rhythm. For their performance in the Audio Art Festival, MTK are happy to be collaborating with acoustic
bass guitarist Rafal Mazur from Kraków, who has worked with Neuringer since 1999 and first performed with
the trio in London this year.
Matt Wright (Norwich UK 1977) works as a composer and DJ at the edges of concert and club culture,
using vinyl, brass, wood, paper, bytes, and skin as materials.
Tom Tlalim (Jerusalem 1975) is a composer, computer musician, programmer and vocalist investigating noise,
overdrive and feedback within the digital domain. He comleted master's degrees in sonology and composition
at the Royal Conservatory in The Hague. Tlalim took up music as a guitar player, playing in various (punk rock)
bands such as Feister Gunz, Groovehead and Morbid Mermaid. Alongside a career as a film musician,
he studied composition with Arie Shapira in Israel. Tlalim is an improviser and working extensively
with the open source programs Supercolllider and PD. Tom is supported by AICF.
Keir Neuringer (New York 1976) is a composer, saxophonist, and writer living and working in The Hague.
He began playing the saxophone during childhood and has developed a non-traditional approach to the instrument
that draws equally on contemporary avant-garde trends, various folk musics, and electronic and industrial sound.
He studied composition, jazz, computer music, ancient and modern literature, classical saxophone,
and multi-disciplinary art at institutions in the US, the UK, Poland (with Stachowski and Choloniewski),
and the Netherlands.
MTK is an electro-acoustic beat-driven experimental jazz trio that utilizes open-source software
and found and recycled instruments along with turntables, computer, saxophone, drums, and cassette recorders
in its live performances. Hailing from Norwich, Tel Aviv, and New York respectively, trio members Matt Wright,
Tom Tlalim, and Keir Neuringer met while studying composition in The Hague. Tom Tlalim's weekly program
on pirate station Radio Tonka was the first platform for their experimentation in fusing pre-recorded sounds
with live performance and real-time processing in an improvised setting. Based now in The Hague and London,
since its inception in June 2004 the trio has performed in clubs, house parties, jazz venues, art galleries,
on London's Resonance FM, and at the Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival. Their workshop
at Trinity College (London) in March 2005, in which they exposed the inner-workings both of their instruments
and the way in which they cooperate in live performance across the ensemble, was the first such seminar
of what they hope will be a regular addition to their performing schedule.