Friday, 16 November / listopad (piątek) |
11:30Akademia Muzyczna free entrance |
Małgorzata Walentynowicz (Gdańsk) wirtuozowska klawiatura MIDI / virtuoso MIDI keyboard - lecture at SME / Studio A6 | |
14:00Akademia Muzyczna free entrance |
JD Zazie (Berlin) Memory Loss - lecture at SME / Studio A6 | |
16:00AGH Hala Odlewnictwa Reymonta 29 free entrance |
Senster (Kraków) Re:SENSTER Reactivation of a large scale cybernetic sculpture created by Edward Ihnatowicz (open November 16 & 17, 16.00-19.00) - premiere of Markov Chains modeling
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18:00Art Gallery of Contemporary Art Bunker free entrance |
Chapel Master (Kraków) Karina Gorzkowska, Maja Szerel - VR installation with music by Diamond Terrifier (16-25.11.2018, 11.00-19.00)
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Sound Labirynth (Kyiv) Timothy Maxymenko - city/landscape/game interactive installation (16-25.11.2018, 11.00-19.00)
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Roundabout (Kraków) Kaja Szwarnóg - ambisonic installation (16-25.11.2018, 11.00-19.00)
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Perception of Spheres (Kraków) Piotr Madej - Astrolab Spheric Sky Installation (16-25.11.2018, 11.00-19.00)
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Gedankenpendel (Basel) Denim Szram - interactive sound installation, based on texts from Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse (16-25.11.2018, 11.00-19.00)
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Memory Loss (Berlin) JD Zazie - instruments, electronics
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Le Petit Cirque (Paris) Laurent Bigot - theatre, installation
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Saturday, 17 November / listopad (sobota) |
11:00–19:00Art Gallery of Contemporary Art Bunker Bunker ticket or festival pass |
installations at Bunker Chapel Master, Sound Labirynth, Roundabout, Perception of Spheres, Gedankenpendel | |
12:00Akademia Muzyczna free entrance |
Giorgio Sancristoforo (Milano) Tropikalna synteza addytywna przy użyciu programów max i pure data / Tropical additive synthesis with max and pure data - lecture at SME / Studio A6 | |
16:00–19:00AGH Hala Odlewnictwa Reymonta 29 free entrance |
Senster (Kraków) Re:SENSTER Reactivation of a large scale cybernetic sculpture created by Edward Ihnatowicz (open November 16 & 17, 16.00-19.00)
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18:00Academy of Music in Kraków tickets 25/10 zł |
Małgorzata Walentynowicz (Gdańsk) keyboards, video, electronics: Jagoda Szmytka - Game Boy Komputer, Francois Sahran - Finger @ Mouth, Michael Beil - Key Jane
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20:00HEVRE tickets 35/20 zł |
Nimikry (Vienna) Alessandro Baticci - flutes, Rafał Zalech - viola + electronics
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Flow Instabillities (Berlin) Claire Waffel, Pere Ferrera Bertran - instruments, video
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Ideale (Milano) Giorgio Sancristoforo - performance, Artur Lis - interactive graphic scores of Ideale
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Sunday, 18 November / listopad (niedziela) |
11:00–19:00Art Gallery of Contemporary Art Bunker Bunker ticket or festival pass |
installations at Bunker Chapel Master, Sound Labirynth, Roundabout, Perception of Spheres, Gedankenpendel | |
16:00–18:00HEVRE free entrance |
Your Angelic Voice (Tokyo) Seiichiro Matsumura - sound installation
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16:30–18:00HEVRE free entrance |
Gideon Kiers (Berlin) Inconsolable Ghost / Duch niepocieszony - lecture at Hevre | |
18:00HEVRE tickets 25/10 zł |
inconsolable Ghost (London, Budapest) Zsolt Sőrés Ahad - viola, voice, elektronics; Miodrag Gladović - guitar, computer, electronics; Hilary Jeffery - trumpet, voice, electronics; Gideon Kiers - computer, video, electronics | |
Monday, 19 November / listopad (poniedziałek) |
11:00–19:00Art Gallery of Contemporary Art Bunker Bunker ticket or festival pass |
installations at Bunker Chapel Master, Sound Labyrinth, Roundabout, Perception of Spheres, Gedankenpendel | |
16:00–18:00HEVRE free entrance |
Your Angelic Voice (Tokyo) Seiichiro Matsumura - sound installation
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Tuesday, 20 November / listopad (wtorek) |
11:00–19:00Art Gallery of Contemporary Art Bunker Bunker ticket or festival pass |
installations at Bunker Chapel Master, Sound Labyrinth, Roundabout, Perception of Spheres, Gedankenpendel | |
16:00–18:00HEVRE free entrance |
Your Angelic Voice (Tokto) Seiichiro Matsumura - Sound Installation
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Wednesday, 21 November / listopad (środa) |
11:00–19:00Art Gallery of Contemporary Art Bunker Bunker ticket or festival pass |
installations at Bunker Chapel Master, Sound Labyrinth, Roundabout, Perception of Spheres, Gedankenpendel | |
14:30–16:00Akademia Muzyczna free entrance |
Lorenzo Brusci (Florencja, Berlin, Krakow) Wykład dedykowany InterTemporalHevre Dedicated Lecture - lecture at SME / Studio A6 | |
16:00–18:00HEVRE free entrance |
Your Angelic Voice (Tokyo) Seiichiro Matsumura - sound installation
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Thursday, 22 November / listopad (czwartek) |
11:00–19:00Art Gallery of Contemporary Art Bunker Bunker ticket or festival pass |
installations at Bunker Chapel Master, Sound Labyrinth, Roundabout, Perception of Spheres, Gedankenpendel | |
16:00–18:00HEVRE free entrance |
Sound Wrinkle (Tokyo) Seiichiro Matsumura - sound installation
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18:00HEVRE tickets 35/20 zł |
InterTemporalHevre (Krakow) _A HebrewYiddish ImmersivePlace: :linguistic models for RadicalInclusivity
Lorenzo Brusci - concept, audio and visual design, Yocheved Ochayon - performance, Marcin Gierat - natural pictures, Artur Lis - site-specific visual mapping and lettering
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Acoustic Harmonic Synthesizer (Warsaw) Krzysztof Cybulski - instrument, installation - mechanic replica of electronic additive synthesis formula
(Zrealizowano w ramach stypendium z budżetu Ministerstwa Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego)
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CIME/PSeME/SME acousmatic, electroacoustic music, Polish and worldwide with Prix CIME 2017 prize winning pieces and Magda Stawarska-Beavan's Krakow to Venice in 24 hours
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Friday, 23 November / listopad (piątek) |
11:00–19:00Art Gallery of Contemporary Art Bunker Bunker ticket or festival pass |
installations at Bunker Chapel Master, Sound Labyrinth, Roundabout, Perception of Spheres, Gedankenpendel | |
11:30–13:00Akademia Muzyczna free entrance |
Reso Kiknadze (Tbilisi) Ponadmuzyczne w muzyce / Extramusical in Music - lecture at SME / Studio A6
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14:30–16:00Akademia Muzyczna free entrance |
Krzysztof Cybulski (Warszawa) Akustyczny syntezator harmoniczny / Acoustic Harmonic Synthesizer - lecture at SME / Studio A6 | |
16:00–18:00HEVRE free entrance |
Installations at Hevre Your Angelic Voice and Sound Wrinkle by Seiichiro Matsumura
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18:00HEVRE tickets 45/40 zł |
Reso Kiknadze (Tbilisi) Reso Kiknadze - saxophone, electronics
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Radio Noise Duo (Poznań, Konin) Tomasz Misiak, Marcin Olejniczak - radio electronics
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NUM-NET + Reso Kiknadze (Tbilisi) NUM (Net - online) - Milad Bagheri - electronics, Maryam Sirvan - voice + Reso Kiknadze - saxophone, electronics
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GrupLab invites (Kraków) intermedia collective: Bożena Boba-Dyga, Lorenzo Brusci, Yurij Bulka, Simone Castellan, Marek Chołoniewski, Julia Dyga, Konrad Gęca, Katarina Gryvul, Simon Holden, Artur Lis, Piotr Madej, Abrin Nayabiwgue, Yocheved Ochayon, Sofia Pasalic, Karolina Probosz, Tomasz Przewrocki, Myroslaw Trofymuk, Kacper Ziemianin
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Ektroner (Lviv) Myroslaw Trofymuk electronic set
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AfterParty (Lviv, Krakow, Florence) Lorenzo Brusci, Yurij Bulka, Myroslaw Trofymuk
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Saturday, 24 November / listopad (sobota) |
11:00–19:00Art Gallery of Contemporary Art Bunker Bunker ticket or festival pass |
installations at Bunker Chapel Master, Sound Labyrinth, Roundabout, Perception of Spheres, Gedankenpendel | |
12:00–13:30Akademia Muzyczna free entrance |
Martyna Kosecka & Idin Samimi Mofakham (Tehran) Spacer dźwiękowy - forma otwarta / Sound Walk - an open form - lecture at SME / Studio A6 | |
13:30–15:00Akademia Muzyczna free entrance |
Roman Brombosz (Poznań) SMS Conducting - composition with audience - lecture at SME / Studio A6 | |
16:00–18:00HEVRE free entrance |
Installations at Hevre Your Angelic Voice and Sound Wrinkle by Seiichiro Matsumura
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18:00HEVRE tickets 35/20 zł |
Sound Walk (Tehran) Spectro Duo: Martyna Kosecka & Idin Samimi Mofakham - instruments, electronics
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mobileorc (Cieszyn) Mobile Orchestra directed by Krzysztof Gawlas: Dawid Biegun, Natalia Boryczka, Urszula Chmielewska, Tomasz Chyra, Tymoteusz Ciach, Mariusz Drozdowski, Krzysztof Gawlas, Elfryda Kubica, Maja Kupiec, Justyna Oleksiak
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SMS Conducting (Poznań) Roman Bromboszcz - concert with audience through SMSs sent to mobile number 665263690
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Sunday, 25 November / listopad (niedziela) |
11:00–19:00Art Gallery of Contemporary Art Bunker Bunker ticket or festival pass |
installations at Bunker Chapel Master, Sound Labyrinth, Roundabout, Perception of Spheres | |
16:00–20:00HEVRE free entrance |
Installations at Hevre Your Angelic Voice and Sound Wrinkle by Seiichiro Matsumura
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18:30–20:00HEVRE free entrance |
Mathius Shadow-Sky (Touluse) Les Guitares Volantes - lecture at Hevre | |
tickets 25/10 zł |
Les Guitares Volantes (Toulouse) Agonizing Music proves the agony of human intelligence (= by killing music, humans kill their last chance to evolve) - Stephane Barascud, Stephane Marcaillou, Laurent Avizou, Mathius Shadow-Sky - Choreophonic performance of spatial polytrajectophonic electric music orchestra in the dark - electric guitar quartet flying in space